

  • Report Campus Climate Concern

    We encourage all students, faculty, and staff to report concerns about the campus climate.

  • 培训

    In the Division of 多样性 and 包容, we believe that our education is ongoing, and we are committed to supporting you in your development and commitment to equality. As you look for opportunities for yourself, 你的团队, and/or your students, we hope that you will explore learning options.


资源 for 教师 and 工作人员

  • Employee Affinity Organizations

    Affinity organizations are formed around a shared identity, common bond and a commitment to invest in the professional development of historically marginalized or underrepresented groups of faculty and staff.

  • Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

    The mission of the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy is to empower faculty to maximize student learning and achievement by working with faculty to enact inclusive teaching approaches across all disciplines. 


  • Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan

    Built with a shared vision and renewed energy for the future of bet8九州登录入口 student support services, the Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan is a united commitment to maximize the potential of each department as we passionately care for our students.

  • Women Leading 俄亥俄州

    The Women’s Center, under the Division of 多样性 & 包容, is pleased to house an early-career faculty and staff development program titled Women Leading 俄亥俄州. Despite the major strides towards equality women have made in the workplace and higher education, there still remains a confidence and leadership gap. The program is open to a small cohort of approximately ten participants and will be most beneficial to those early in their career at bet8九州登录入口


Implicit Bias and Privilege 


Identifying and Responding to Microaggressions